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Mossman mahogany (Goniocheton arborescens)

Mossman mahogany ( Goniocheton arborescens ) is a species of plant in the Meliaceae, a small to large tree, up to 20-30 meters tall, flowering and fruiting when only 1 meter high, the trunk has a diameter of up to 45 cm, the bark is gray-brown, smooth or with light cracks. The leaves are opposite, 5 pairs or 10 pieces and petioles 0.5-1 cm long. The leaves are up to 18 cm long, up to 9 cm wide, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins, a pointed tip, dark green upper side, lighter and glabrous underside. The inflorescence is an axillary thyrse measuring up to 8 cm covered with small yellow-brown hairs. Flowers about 10 mm long, creamy green to white, usually 5 petals 10 mm long and 2.2 mm wide. Stamen tubes arise from the base of the petals, 10 anthers 1 mm long at the distal end. The capsule fruit is round and slightly flat, up to 3 cm in diameter, bald, bright red and contains 5 seeds. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida...

Large-leaved uvaria (Uvaria littoralis)

Kalak or large-leaved uvaria ( Uvaria littoralis ) is a species of plant in Annonaceae, shrub or small tree, erect, woody, young branches are blackish brown with white spots, growing in clumps on the shaded forest floor, in teak forests, clay soil, limestone and rocky rocks. U. littoralis has leaves in rows along the branches, zigzag, very short stalks and sitting alternately. The leaf blade is up to 25 cm long, up to 10 cm wide, pointed tip, heart base, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins. Fan-shaped flowers, blood red, yellow center. Fruits grow at the end of the bunch and radial with a 1-2 cm long stalk. Young fruit is round and yellow, ripe fruit is oval or elongated and red to blackish blue. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Magnoliales Family: Annonaceae Tribe: Uvarieae Genus: Uvaria Species: Uvaria littoralis

Wangon (Olax imbricata)

Wangon or lenteng ( Olax imbricata ) is a species of plant in the Olacaceae, grows climbing on other trees, in clumps, up to 10 meters high, woody stems, cylindrical and slender, brown and rough bark, many branches. O. imbricata has leaves in rows along young twigs, stalks 0.5-1 cm and sit alternately. The leaves are oval, blunt tip, about 3 cm wide, about 8 cm long, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins. The fruit is round, 1-2 cm wide and the stalk is about 1 cm. Young fruit is green or white, ripe fruit is red or orange. This species grows at an elevation of 200 meters. Grows on the shaded forest floor by climbing other trees such as teak trees. Often found in limestone or clay soils or rocky soils. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Santalales Family: Olacaceae Genus: Olax Species: Olax imbricata

Kakizoe darkling beetle (Microblattellus kakizoei) is the second species after Microblattellus lecongmani Ferrer 2006

NEWS - Kakizoe darkling beetle ( Microblattellus kakizoei sp. nov) collected from a mushroom-growing termite nest of Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen, 1858) in Cambodia was established as the second species in the enigmatic tenebrionid genus Microblattellus Ferrer 2006. Microblattellus was established by Ferrer in 2006 as consisting of a single morphologically peculiar species represented by Microblattellus lecongmani Ferrer 2006 from Vietnam. The genus is characterized by a very distinctive pronotum shape, in which the head is completely hidden beneath the anterior margin, and the absence of eyes. M. kakizoei is easily distinguished from M. lecongmani by its more elongate and less robust body, looser antennal segments, distinct and transverse scutellum, rather than the reduced and absent one in the latter, distinctly formed humeral angles of the elytra, finely arranged and irregular strial punctures on the elytra, and less prominent body surface. The holotype is taken from the fungus Ma...