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Types of outdoor shoes

Outdoor shoes have various types according to usage. Choose shoes by adjusting the terrain and natural situations that will be explored. Shoes that are used to climb mountains of course vary with shoes for everyday.

Choosing a pair of shoes is not only based on taste and style, but the two most important main reasons are supporting safety and comfort. Get to know the design of shoes before using it, choosing the wrong shoes will be very dangerous for safety.

1. Hiking sandals

Dlium Hiking sandals

Hiking sandals are the right choice for exploring easy tracks. The sandals have a light weight so they do not fatigue quickly. For some explorers, sandals are used for short tracks or as backup footwear in the tent area.

The sandals do not have an ankle support to protect the feet if they slip or fall. Choose sandals that have a tightly sewn strap to avoid damage. The strap also affects the strength of the feet.
  • Good Point: Flexible for casual assignments.
  • Bad Point: Water easy to wet the feet and not for heavy tasks.

2. Approach shoes

Dlium Approach shoes

Approach shoes are hybrid shoes that have the characteristics of rock tasks. These shoes generally have special sticky rubber soles to maintain traction on steeper rock levels.
  • Good Point: Light, flexible and soft soles.
  • Bad Point: Does not support hiking tasks, cannot stand heat and cold.

3. Trail running shoes

Dlium Trail running shoes

Trail running shoes are not like running shoes in general. This shoe was created to pass through mountainous paths. It is suitable for climbing mountains not too high and having short tracks of 1 to 5 miles.

Shoe soles made stronger and harder will protect the feet from the weather and poor soil contours. This type of mountain shoes makes it easy for feet to reach the incline. Besides being comfortable to climb, a simple form is also suitable for everyday activities.
  • Good Point: Light, flexible and can be used for running.
  • Bad Point: Not waterproof and not suitable for heavy loads.

4. Hiking shoes

Dlium Hiking shoes

Hiking shoes are very suitable for climbing with sloping tracks and not heavy contours. The framework of this shoe model provides comfort to pass the climbing path that is not too steep.

Generally hiking shoes are made of suede, nylon and leather. The bottom cushion is not so high, but the shoe frame protects the sole of the foot. Different types of shoes on the market are similar to hiking shoes, but have different functions.
  • Good Point: Combination for speed and durability.
  • Bad point: Does not protect ankles.

5. Mid-weight boot

Dlium Mid-weight boot

Mid-weight boot is an outdoor shoe with a classic model that is very suitable for climbing mountains with heavy terrain and steep hiking trails. The construction of the design and the soles of hard mountain boots really make the feet feel uncomfortable.

Shoe pads are rather high, making foot movements less flexible. It is not uncommon for shoes of this type to feel uncomfortable when reaching high slopes, but this type is very suitable for use for climbing which takes days.
  • Good Point: Protects ankles, strong material, waterproof and heat resistance.
  • Bad Point: Weight and reduce walking speed.

6. Heavy boots

Dlium Heavy boots

Heavy Boots with high foot pads has a better shoe frame. Generally the material of this shoe is made of Gore-tex which is waterproof and has good steam circulation to maintain moisture. It is very suitable for climbing mountains on tough terrain.
  • Good Point: Protect ankles, waterproof and heat resistance.
  • Bad Point: Weight and inhibits the speed of walking.

7. Mountaineering boots

Dlium Mountaineering boots

Mountaineering boots uses materials to protect the feet from the lowest temperature and the only option to climb Everest. Usually the climbers combine these shoes with crampons to walk on the ice surface. This shoe was created to climb the iceberg, but it is not convenient to walk on very long tracks.
  • Good Point: Warm, strong, waterproof, protects your ankles and doesn't slip easily.
  • Bad Point: Heavy and stiff.

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