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Chocolate grass yellow (Eurema sari)

Kupu-kupu belerang or sulfur butterfly or chocolate grass yellow (Eurema sari) are small butterfly species from the genus Eurema and members of the Pieridae family. Sulfur butterflies have a bright yellow color and slightly resemble the color of sulfur.

E. sari has wings wide from 36 to 42 mm (1.4–1.7 in) and different brown peaks at the bottom of the front wing. Light yellow wings with several brown dots, have brown plots and dots. One or two brown circles in the center of the wings surround white.

Dlium Chocolate grass yellow (Eurema sari)

The back, head and eyes are purple, while the two antennas and proboscis are brown. The legs are yellow like the color of wings. Chocolate grass yellow butterfly always closes wings when alighting on a flower.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Euarthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Eurema
Species: E. sari

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