Common grass yellow (Eurema hecabe) is a species of animal in Pieridae, small butterflies fly close to the ground and open grass with scrub habitats, yellow and some black spots, usually show seasonal polyphenism and live in a colony.
E. hecabe with lepidopteran has a darker summer morph, triggered by long days of more than 13 hours duration, whereas diurnal periods shorter than 12 hours or less induce brighter morphs in the post monsoon period.
The upper wing on the front has two black stripes and a larger rectangular mark. Males and females have a sulfur yellow to lemon yellow wing surface depending on the season and location.
Eggs were laid in Abrus precatorius, Falcataria moluccana, Acacia, Aeschynomene, Euphorbiaceae and Cucurbitaceae etc. Females can distinguish colors when selecting host plants for oviposition. Larvae are long, green, leathery, cylindrical with large heads.
The pupa has long ribbons, rounded abdominal segments and wing flaps fused to form a deep sharp keel. The head shell ends with a short pointed snout. Solitary but sometimes on a large number of twigs. Some Wolbachia strains can change the sex ratio of species.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Order: Lepidoptera
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Family: Pieridae
Subfamily: Coliadinae
Genus: Eurema
Species: Eurema hecabe
Subspecies: Eurema hecabe ssp. contubernalis, Eurema hecabe ssp. hecabe, Eurema hecabe ssp. latilimbata, Eurema hecabe ssp. oeta, Eurema hecabe ssp. phoebus, Eurema hecabe ssp. solifera, Eurema hecabe ssp. novaecaledoniae, Eurema hecabe ssp. sulphurata, Eurema hecabe ssp. senegalensis
E. hecabe with lepidopteran has a darker summer morph, triggered by long days of more than 13 hours duration, whereas diurnal periods shorter than 12 hours or less induce brighter morphs in the post monsoon period.
The upper wing on the front has two black stripes and a larger rectangular mark. Males and females have a sulfur yellow to lemon yellow wing surface depending on the season and location.
Eggs were laid in Abrus precatorius, Falcataria moluccana, Acacia, Aeschynomene, Euphorbiaceae and Cucurbitaceae etc. Females can distinguish colors when selecting host plants for oviposition. Larvae are long, green, leathery, cylindrical with large heads.
The pupa has long ribbons, rounded abdominal segments and wing flaps fused to form a deep sharp keel. The head shell ends with a short pointed snout. Solitary but sometimes on a large number of twigs. Some Wolbachia strains can change the sex ratio of species.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Order: Lepidoptera
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Family: Pieridae
Subfamily: Coliadinae
Genus: Eurema
Species: Eurema hecabe
Subspecies: Eurema hecabe ssp. contubernalis, Eurema hecabe ssp. hecabe, Eurema hecabe ssp. latilimbata, Eurema hecabe ssp. oeta, Eurema hecabe ssp. phoebus, Eurema hecabe ssp. solifera, Eurema hecabe ssp. novaecaledoniae, Eurema hecabe ssp. sulphurata, Eurema hecabe ssp. senegalensis