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Beehive ginger (Zingiber spectabile)

Beehive ginger ( Zingiber spectabile ) is a species of plant in the Zingiberaceae, herbaceous shrub, growing erect, leaves and flowers growing from the rhizome and separate, leaves long and mostly oblong, tapering to a point at the tip, up to 4.5 meters or even more. Z. spectabile has elongated leaves with band-shaped units, sitting opposite, horizontal, pointed tip, a main vein moving linearly in the middle, thick, green on top and pale underside. Inflorescences appear at the tips of the spikes, erect, up to 30 cm high. Bracts attached to the structure, are white or yellow or orange or red or a combination, often dark in color as they mature and develop. Small flowers, purple petals and yellow spots with a crumbly paper texture. Beehive ginger is used as a cut flower that is able to adapt widely in the lowlands to the highlands. Flowering in October to February and will repeat again in the same year. The growing period requires shade with a light intensity of 45%. Kingdom: Plan

Indian shot (Canna indica)

Puspa midra or Indian shot ( Canna indica ) is is plant species in Cannaceae, annual, shrub 0.5-2.5 meters high, depending on variety, erect stems, unbranched and leaf midrib arranged overlapping to form pseudostems and hermaphrodite flowers. C. indica forms a branched rhizome, 60 cm long which is divided into rounded segments and is covered in two stripes by pale green or purple scaly leaves. The rhizome has tubers that contain very large starch grains. The surface has transverse furrows, the underside appears white roots and numerous shoots. The leaves sit alternate and spiral or arranged in two rows, very large and divided into a leaf midrib, short stalk and blade. The strands are 30-60 cm long, 10-20 cm wide and have linear veins, green or purple-green, the base blunt or narrowly pointed and the apex immediately tapering or sharp. Hermaphrodite flowers, pedicels 0.2-1 cm long and red or yellow-orange, except in some cultivars 4.5-7.5 cm long. The sepals are triangular in shape a

Copperleaf (Acalypha wilkesiana)

Akalfa or copperleaf ( Acalypha wilkesiana ) is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae, a low shrub or tree, growing up to 3 meters long, 2 meters wide, densely packed clumps with erect stems, woody, brown bark and many branches. A. wilkesiana has leaves of highly variable shape and are generally oval, flat or wrinkled, large and wide, toothed margins, 10-20 cm long, up to 15 cm wide, red on top, reddish green or copper on the underside. The male and female flowers are separate and appear on the same plant. Male flowers have long thorns that hang down, female flowers have short spikes and are often hidden among the leaves. The flower stalk is 10-20 cm long. Tropical and subtropical plants that like dry soil and temperatures above 10C. This species grows wild forming dense colonies in forests, agricultural land and abandoned places. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Euphorbiaceae Genus: Acalypha Species:

Temuyang (Phrynium pubinerve)

Temuyang ( Phrynium pubinerve ) is a species of plant in the Marantaceae, erect herbaceous, forming dense bush colonies, up to 2 meters high, green, roots forming tubers, growing in shady places on the tropical forest floor, agricultural lands and abandoned places. P. pubinerve has petiole cylindrical, erect and sturdy, emerging from the ground, up to 1.5 meters long, green, sometimes splitting to form linear branches ending with two leaves. Strands appear at the tip of the stalk, oblong to elongated, up to 50 cm long, pointed tip, margins flat, a major vein in the middle with many minor veins penetrating, upper side dark green and shiny, underside pale green. The flowers are in nodules, appear on the petiole and are tightly packed, The fruits are oval, red in color, contain 2-4 seeds and open when ripe. The seeds are rectangular and gray in color. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Zingiberales Family: Marantaceae Genus: P

Ayam woodnettle (Laportea interrupta)

Jelatang ayam or ayam woodnettle ( Laportea interrupta ) is a species of plant in the Urticaceae, annual shrub, stems erect, reddish in color with linear lines, the entire plant is tightly covered with hairs up to 1 mm long and white. L. interrupta has an erect stem, straight, cylindrical, red with linear lines and filled with white hairs. The leaves grow opposite and have long stalks, cylindrical and reddish green in color. Leaf blade heart-shaped or broad oblong, base flat, pointed tip, margin serrated, many veins and pinnate, wavy surface, upper side green, underside pale. The flowers grow in panicles at the time of the leaves and are lined up on long stalks. Woodnettle chickens grow in forests, agricultural lands, abandoned places, open places with lots of sunlight in tropical climates. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Rosales Family: Urticaceae Genus: Laportea Species: Laportea interrupta

Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi)

Jali or Job's tears ( Coix lacryma-jobi ) is a species of plant in the Poaceae, annual shrub, many clumps, erect and large stems, 1-3 meters high, white powdery coating, roots rough and difficult to uproot, grows wild in forests and fields agriculture, several varieties are cultivated for food sources and craft materials. C. lacryma-jobi has alternating leaves, ribbon-shaped strands, 8-100 cm long, 1.5-5 cm wide, pointed tip, base hugging stem, flat edge, rough surface like paper and main bone protruding on the back of the leaf. Flowers come out of leaf axils and branching ends, are grain-shaped and have stalks. The fruit has a long stalk, oval in shape, green or white or blue or purple and hard skin when it is old. Leaves are used for fiber. The widely cultivated varieties have soft fruit for pulp, while the hard wild varieties are used for beads on necklaces. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Subfami

Coral bells (Antigonon leptopus)

Air mata pengantin or coral bells ( Antigonon leptopus ) is a species of plant in the Polygonaceae, grows climbing, ribbed stems with a length of 3-6 cm on each side and bulging segments, has fine hair, has a twisting tool that functions to 'twist' the support to support its erection plant. A. leptopus has heart-shaped leaves, 5-10 cm long, green, wavy surface, pointed tip, a vein in the middle with many small veins that are curved and intertwined. Compound flowers are arranged in panicles and grow from the leaf axils. The crown consists of 5 sheets, pink or white, each 7 mm long. The outer three crowns are ovoid or heart-like, the other two having a more pointed shape. The blooming crown will enlarge and cover the fruit. The fruit is like a membrane with a greenish tint. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Caryophyllales Family: Polygonaceae Subfamily: Eriogonoideae Genus: Antigonon Species: Antigonon leptopus

West Indian woodnettle (Laportea aestuans)

Daun gatal or West Indian woodnettle ( Laportea aestuans ) is a species of plant in Urticaceae, an annual shrub, erect stems, 1-3 meters high and the whole plant is tightly covered with hairs up to 1 mm long, contains beneficial fibers and the leaves are harvested from nature for traditional medicinal purposes. L. aestuans has erect stems, straight, cylindrical, green, filled with white hairs. The leaves grow opposite and have long stalks, cylindrical and green. Leaf blade heart-shaped or broad oblong, base flat, pointed tip, margin serrated, many veins and pinnate, wavy surface, upper side green, underside silvery. The flowers grow in panicles in the axils of the leaves. West Indian woodnettle grows in forests, farmlands, wastelands, open places with lots of sunshine in tropical climates. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Rosales Family: Urticaceae Genus: Laportea Species: Laportea aestuans

Apple of Peru (Nicandra physalodes)

Apple of Peru ( Nicandra physalodes ) is a species of plant in the Solanaceae, an erect shrub up to 1 meter high, evergreen, strong with spreading branches, ovate leaves, bell flowers, green stems, toothed and wavy, grows in tropical forests at elevations 1000-1500 meters. N. physalodes has a cylindrical stem with linear angles and is green in color. Leaves oblong, pointed tip, serrated margin, thick and leathery, green, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins. Bell-shaped flowers, 5 parts, 5 cm or more in diameter, pale purple corolla with white passages, only open for a few hours a day. Five pistils, white and white stalks. The fruit is berry-shaped in thin petals and has a strong odor. All parts of the plant may be poisonous. The seeds are used as an insecticide and antipyretic, for fever, indigestion and constipation. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Subfamily: Solanoideae Tri

Brun parasol (Chlorophyllum brunneum)

Brun parasol ( Chlorophyllum brunneum ) is a species of fungus in the Agaricaceae, growing widely across latitudes, umbrella canopies, ringed pillars, predominantly white in color, large in size, poisonous and produces severe gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. C. brunneum has an umbrella-shaped spongy pileus, round, flat top, convex or concave, whitish color with rough brownish scales. The gills are white and will turn dark or linearly streaked with maturity. The stipe is 5-20 cm tall, has a ring, 2-3 cm in diameter, is white and darkens with maturity. Chlorophyllum brunneum thrives on manure in yards and parks, solitary or crammed into an area, often emerging from between grasses in temperate, subtropical and tropical highlands around the world. Chlorophyllum is a poisonous mushroom most commonly eaten by its resemblance to other agricultural mushrooms. Symptoms of poisoning are mostly gastrointestinal with vomiting, diarrhea and colic. Kingdom: Fungi Phylum

Laurel dodder (Cassytha filiformis)

Tali putri or love-vine or laurel dodder ( Cassytha filiformis ) is a species of plant in Lauraceae, an obligate parasitic vine, an aphrodisiac, growing vines and tightly coiled on other plants to fill the canopy and berry-shaped fruit. C. filiformis has cylindrical stems, orange to green in color and branched, blunt ends and grows coiled to form very strong threads on the stems of other plants. The leaves are reduced to scales about 1 mm long. Flowers are borne in spikes or sometimes solitary with 6 tepals, each 0.1-2.0 mm long. The fruit is round and seeded with a diameter of 7 mm. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Laurales Family: Lauraceae Genus: Cassytha Species: Cassytha filiformis

Sunda coucal (Centropus nigrorufus)

Bubut jawa or Sunda coucal ( Centropus nigrorufus ) is a species of animal in the Cuculidae, birds up to 46 cm long, black and reddish-brown, living in pairs, spending time in trees and often descending to the ground. C. nigrorufus has a black and glossy purple head, neck and back. The wings are rust-red or brown, the wing covers and the inner secondary feathers are black. The tail is long and black. Iris is red. The beak is slightly curved and black. The legs are black and shiny. The fingers have long, black nails. Bubut jawa eats caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles, frogs, lizards, crabs that have habitats on the edge of the forest, secondary shrubs, riverbank shrubs, mangrove forests and spread up to an elevation of 1500 meters. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Aves Order: Cuculiformes Family: Cuculidae Genus: Centropus Species: Centropus nigrorufus

Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius)

Broad-leaved dock ( Rumex obtusifolius ) is a species of plant in the Polygonaceae, herbaceous perennial, growing broadly, up to 150 cm tall, large, oval-shaped leaves with a heart-shaped base and rounded tip, large taproot with many branches extending to a depth of 150 cm. R. obtusifolius has leaves up to 30 cm long, 15 cm wide and green. Stems are long, hard, alternate, green or reddish in color and unbranched until just below the inflorescence. A main vein in the middle and green or reddish in color. Flat or wavy surface. The inflorescences consist of large clusters of racemes that contain small, greenish flowers that turn red as they mature. Seeds are reddish brown and dry. Broad-leaved dock grows in fertile soils, grasslands, waste lands, roadsides, ditches, coastlines and riverbanks, forest margins, forest clearing and agricultural land. The leaves are used as a salad to make vegetable broth or cooked like spinach. Dried seeds are used as a spice. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tr

Mexican tea (Dysphania ambrosioides)

Mexican tea ( Dysphania ambrosioides ) is a species of plant in the Amaranthaceae, herbaceous, up to 1.2 meters tall, stems erect, cylindrical in shape with many linear angles, green or red in color, branching irregularly, especially at the root base just at the soil level. D. ambrosioides has leaves on the bottom which are elongated lanceolate, up to 12 cm long, pointed tip, serrated margin, thick and green or red, a main vein in the middle with many small lateral veins. The upper leaves are spike-shaped. Flowers are small and green or red, lined in all directions along the branching panicles at the apex of the stem. Mexican tea has a high adaptability in the highlands and lowlands, tropical and subtropical, fertile and sandy soils. Widely used as a vegetable and herbal tea because of its spicy taste, strong aroma and unique. Often used as an ingredient in soups and fried white rice. Essential oils contain terpene compounds. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angios

Giant devil's fig (Solanum chrysotrichum)

Giant devil's fig ( Solanum chrysotrichum ) is a species of plant in the Solanaceae, a shrub or small tree up to 7.5 meters high, woody stems with rows of large, downward-curving spines, branching, green or white bark with dense hairs. S. chrysotrichum has leaves with large stalks. The strands have a rough surface, are green in color. A large vein in the center with several long, erect spines. Some veins are smaller pinnate with some long, erect spines. The flowers are star-shaped and white, the middle is yellow. The fruit is green when young, orange when ripe and brown when dry. Diameter 13-20 mm, round, hard, slimy and glabrous. Seeds shiny, yellow to light brown, 2-3x1.5-2.5 mm. Giant devil's fig grows wild in forests, riverbanks, steep slopes, roadsides and agricultural land at an elevation of 1000-1525 meters with a tropical climate. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Subfamily: So

Snowflake aralia (Trevesia sundaica)

Snowflake aralia ( Trevesia sundaica ) is a species of plant in the Araliaceae, a medium to large tree with a single trunk, woody, brown, straight, slender, cylindrical in shape with rows of large sharp, dense spines, growing solitary in the rainforest. T. sundaica has large leaves and clusters at the tip of the upper stem of the stem. The stalk is long and cylindrical, horizontal, spreading and dark brown in color. The strands face up, are finger-shaped in a circle and are dark green in color. Flowers in panicles with long stalks, branched and brown. Star-shaped flowers at the end of the stalk and woody. The crown is white and in the shape of a wheel. Fallen crowns will leave blunt skeletons. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Apiales Family: Araliaceae Genus: Trevesia Species: Trevesia sundaica

Javanese edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica)

Capo Jawa or Javanese edelweiss ( Anaphalis javanica ) is a species of plant in the Asteraceae, a shrub that has white hair, broad branches, up to 4 meters high, bare trunk and lower branches, twigs with gray white leaves, bent and grows in tropical mountains. A. javanica has leaves that are circular at the end of the stem, lanceolate and narrow, greenish-grey, pointed tip, flat edge, 2-6 cm long, 0.15-0.6 cm wide, smooth surface like velvet and hairy. Compound flowers in large numbers with a tight arrangement. The crown is brownish white, 4-6 mm wide and located in a panicle in the form of branching grains. Pollination is assisted by wind and insects. Javanese edelweiss grows at an elevation of 1700-3600 m. Flowers are a source of food for Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera. The bark is a place to live for mosses and lichens. The twigs are used as nests by Turdus sp. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Orde

Canton disporum (Disporum cantoniense)

Canton disporum ( Disporum cantoniense ) is a species of plant in the Colchicaceae, an erect shrub with a cylindrical stem, branching, elongated elliptical leaves and stems, bell flowers, fruit bunches, grows in the forest in the shade. D. cantoniense has erect stems, 50-100 cm tall, slender, cylindrical and green. Leaves sit opposite or alternate, have stalks, lanceolate to narrow oblong, 5-12 long, 1-5 cm wide, pointed tip, margins flat, thick, glossy and 3-7 linear stripes. Flowers are bell-shaped, have long stalks in clusters for 1-4 items, hanging, purple or purplish yellow or yellow with purple tips. Flowers bloom slightly open. The fruit is round and bluish black in color. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Liliales Family: Colchicaceae Genus: Disporum Species: Disporum cantoniense

Java glorybower (Clerodendrum speciosissimum)

Java glorybower ( Clerodendrum speciosissimum ) is a species of plant in the Lamiaceae, shrub with erect stems, up to 4 meters high, stems cylindrical with linear depressions, top green with white spots, underside brownish. C. speciosissimum with the leaves have long stalks, spread and are green. Strands are elliptical or circular or elongated, large, leathery, about 6 major veins with many pinnate minor veins, serrated margins, dark green upper side and pale green underside. Inflorescences in panicles at the ends of the stems with erect peduncles, up to 30 cm long, branched, spreading and red. Flowers are red for the whole and shiny. Cultivated as an ornamental plant mainly because of the bright red flowers. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Lamiales Family: Lamiaceae Subfamily: Ajugoideae Genus: Clerodendrum Species: Clerodendrum speciosissimum

Bludru tick-trefoil (Hylodesmum repandum)

Bludru tick-trefoil ( Hylodesmum repandum ) is a species of animal in the Fabaceae, shrub, erect or fallen stem, 50-150 cm long, cylindrical, green or brown in color, white hair, branches and petioles spread, grows on the forest floor at elevations about 1000-2000 meters. H. repandum has leaves with three strands with stalks 3-9 cm long; rhombic to ovate, 5-8 cm long, 3.5-6 cm wide, pointed at the base and tip, margins repand, apex acute to immediately acute, hairy surface, a major vein in the middle with several minor veins penetrating. Inflorescences in panicles and 15-30 cm long. Pedicel 1.5-3 cm with straight or scaly hair. Petals 2.5-3.5 mm and lobes longer than or equal to the tube. Corollas are red or orange-red, broad elliptical, 8-10 mm long, 7-8 mm wide and short paws. Elliptical narrow wing, 7x2 mm. Legumes are often continuous for 3-4 items, slightly subobovate and broad, 6-3 mm long, 3 mm wide, uncinate densely pubescent. Stipe 5 mm and pedicel 2-4 cm. Kingdom: Plan

Sunda buttercup (Ranunculus sundaicus)

Sunda buttercup ( Ranunculus sundaicus ) is a species of plant in the Ranunculaceae, herbaceous, stoloniferous with a height of 50 cm, stems running upright or sideways, roots and new plants growing on internodes, stems and leaves downy, growing in shady places. R. sundaicus has leaves at the end of the stalk with a length of 4-20 cm. The compound basal leaves are divided into three leaflets, 1.5-8 cm wide, shallow to deep lobes each with a short stalk. Leaves taller on smaller stems with narrow leaflets and lanceolate. Flowers are golden yellow, shiny, 2-3 cm in diameter and usually five petals. The shimmer is caused by the mirror-smooth upper surface of the petals. The fruit is a cluster of achenes 2.5-4 mm long. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Ranunculales Family: Ranunculaceae Subfamily: Ranunculoideae Tribe: Ranunculeae Genus: Ranunculus Species: Ranunculus sundaicus

Brazilian vervain (Verbena brasiliensis)

Brazilian vervain ( Verbena brasiliensis ) is a species of plant in the Verbenaceae, an annual shrub with erect stems, up to 1 meter high, triangular or semi-circular with sharp angles, green, white hairs, lower branches in opposite arrangement, branches The top grows in an irregular formation. V. brasiliensis has elongated leaves, pointed tips, deep serrated margins or flat, dark green, a major vein in the middle and whitish in color, several minor veins laterally, rough and stiff surface. Inflorescences in panicles at the ends of long stalks. The petals are 3 mm long, 5 lobed and tubular. The corolla is formed from fused petals and spreads open at the tip, only slightly longer than the petals. Flowers have reproductive organs of both sexes. Superior and bicarpellar ovaries. The fruit is a schizocarp or dried fruit that splits when ripe. Wrapped in petals. Nutlets are triangular in cross section and each has a length of 2 mm. Four common nuts are produced by each fruit with two nut

Mega disporum (Disporum megalanthum)

Mega disporum ( Disporum megalanthum ) is a species of plant in the Colchicaceae, an erect shrub with a cylindrical stem, branching, elongated elliptical leaves, bell flowers, fruit bunches, grows in the forest in the shade. D. megalanthum has erect stems, slender, cylindrical and green. The leaves sit opposite or alternate, elongated elliptical in shape with a pointed tip, margins are even, thick, glossy and 3-7 linear stripes. Flowers are bell-shaped, have long stalks in clusters for 1-4 items, hanging, white or greenish or yellowish. The fruit is round and bluish black in color. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Liliales Family: Colchicaceae Genus: Disporum Species: Disporum megalanthum

Pinang Jawa (Pinanga javana)

Pinang Jawa or Javan pinang ( Pinanga javana ) is a species of plant in Arecaceae, stems erect, 4-10 meters high, 10-15 cm in diameter, 10-30 cm in segments, the surface of the stem is green or brownish green, smooth, slightly longitudinally slit. The crown axis is elongated, 150-200 cm long, 25 cm in diameter, swollen, purplish brown with brown scales and grows at an elevation of 800-1700 meters. P. javana has 10 leaves on the crown, pinnate, full length 250-300 cm with silvery indumentum on petiole and rachis. Midrib up to 100 cm, stalk up to 30 cm, concave at the adaxial and convex at the bottom. Rachis diameter 3 cm. Leaflets 10-15 items on each side of the rachis, regularly arranged, slightly curved, longitudinally linear-lanceolate, falcate-sigmoid, equidistant, basal leaflet 65-95x1-6 cm and 1-3 ribs, middle leaflet 70-115x2.7 cm and 1-3 ribs, apical leaflets 19-55x1.5-7.5 cm and 2-7 ribs. Infrafoliar inflorescences, like hands, pendulous spreading, 40-50 cm long, peduncle er

Hardy fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica)

Anting or hummingbird fuchsia or hardy fuchsia ( Fuchsia magellanica ) is a species of plant in the Onagraceae, shrub with erect and slender stems, many small and long branches, growing in tropical highlands and forming dense colonies. F. magellanica has a height of up to 3.0 m, 1-2 m wide, stems erect, cylindrical, green, branches and twigs bright red and shiny, flowering profusely in a long time and tubular. The leaves sit opposite and have red stalks. Strands are elongated, pointed tip, margins have blunt spines and are red, a major vein in the middle and red, minor veins pinnate. The flowers grow in the axils of the leaves, have long stalks, hang and are red. Long tubular flower locks. Flowers open with four slices, elongated and red. Middle segments are purple with many red and long pistil stalks. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Myrtales Family: Onagraceae Genus: Fuchsia Section: Quelusia Species: Fuchsia magellanica

Silk oak (Grevillea robusta)

Pohon perak or silk oak ( Grevillea robusta ) is a species of plant in the Proteaceae, a large, fast-growing evergreen tree with one main trunk, 5-40 m tall, bark dark gray and wrinkled, grows in tropical mountains, rainforests subtropical, dry and wet rainforests. G. robusta has fern-like leaves, 10-34 cm long, 9-15 cm wide and is divided between 11-31 major lobes and each lobe is sometimes further divided into 4 minor lobes, each linear to narrow triangular. The tree will lose a lot of leaves before flowering. Flowers arranged on one side and sometimes branched with a length of 12-15 cm. The carpel of each flower has a stalk 21-28 mm long. Flowers are bare and mostly yellowish orange or reddish. Flowering in September-November and the following fruit are bald follicles. Silk oak loves full sun and is drought tolerant. Flowers and fruit contain toxic hydrogen cyanide. Wood is widely used for joints outside windows, furniture, cabinets, fences, musical instruments and shade in plant

Turkey berry (Solanum torvum)

Takokak or Turkey berry ( Solanum torvum ) is a species of plant in the Solanaceae, shrub or small tree, single stem at ground level but may branch on rootstock, erect, bushy, thorny, 2-5 meters high, 2-8 cm in diameter. S. torvum has a taproot, lateral and white. The bark is gray and almost smooth with lenticels. The inner bark has a green layer over the ivory color. Twigs are gray or green and covered with star-shaped hairs. The spines are straight or curved all over the plant. The leaves sit opposite or one per node, broadly ovoid in shape with flat or lobed edges, rough surface, green in color, a main vein in the middle with several small lateral veins. The petiole is 1-6 cm long and covered with short hairs. Flowers have long stalks, white, tubular with 5 pointed lobes and form a star. The center is yellow with a white core. The berries grow in clusters, are spherical, 1 cm in diameter and yellow when ripe. Seeds are flat and brown. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta S

Smoke tree spurge (Euphorbia cotinifolia)

Asap merah or smoke tree spurge or Mexican shrubby spurge ( Euphorbia cotinifolia ) is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae, a shrub or small tree with erect stems and woody, red leaves and is often used as an ornamental plant. E. cotinifolia has a height of up to 9 meters, cylindrical, sturdy, bark brown or purplish, many branches and twigs, if broken will release sap that irritates the skin. The leaves grow along the branches with long stalks and are red. The leaf blade is ovate, the tips are rounded, the margins are flat, the upper side is red, the underside is purplish, a main vein in the middle with many lateral veins. Small white flowers with cream-colored bracts, blooming at the ends of branches in summer. The sap is toxic and causes irritation to human skin or eyes. The plant is commonly used as an ornamental in gardens and in pots with well-draining soil and full sun. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales

Skyflower (Duranta erecta)

Sinyo nakal or skyflower ( Duranta erecta ) is plant species in Verbenaceae, a broad shrub or small tree, up to 6 m high, stems growing upright or horizontally with broad clumps, many branches, bark light brown, old tree has axillary spines and grows to form dense colonies. D. erecta has bright green leaves, elliptical to ovoid, pointed or rounded ends, sitting opposite, 7.5 cm long, 3.5 cm wide, a main vein in the middle with several small lateral veins, petiole long 1.5 cm. Flowers are light blue or lavender or white, appear in tight clusters as on terminal stems and axils, often curled or pendulous, blooms in summer. The fruit is a berry having a stalk, small round, yellow or orange or white in color, up to 11 mm in diameter, an eye green in front and containing several seeds. Skyflower grows in dry or humid areas and lots of sun, rocky or sandy beaches, forests, farmland and disturbed places. Plants will grow at a rate of up to half a meter per year. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum:

Greater plantain (Plantago major)

Daun sendok or greater plantain ( Plantago major ) is a plant species in the Plantaginaceae, annual herb with rosette leaves, 15-30 cm in diameter, oval-shaped leaves, 5-20 cm long, 4-9 cm wide, pointed tip, smooth edges, stalk and 5-9 veins along the leaf. P. major has small, greenish-brown flowers with purple stamens, dense thorns 5-15 cm long on stems 13-15 cm high. Seeds are attached to long spikes that soar high above the leaves. Each plant can produce up to 20,000 seeds, very small and oval in shape. Greater plantains grow in grasses and fields, along roadsides and in other areas that have been disturbed by humans. Young leaves are eaten raw, older, more fibrous leaves are boiled in stews and eaten. Mature leaves contain flexible and strong fibers for making small ropes, fishing line, stitches. Plants contain phytochemicals allantoin, aucubin, ursolic acid, flavonoids, and asperuloside. The leaves are commonly used in traditional medicine for wounds, or insect stings. The root

Scarlet creeper (Ipomoea hederifolia)

Scarlet creeper ( Ipomoea hederifolia ) is a species of plant in the Convolvulaceae, a vigorous perennial shrub, stems growing on the ground or climbing, heart-shaped or many lobed leaves, trumpet-shaped flowers and widely used as an ornamental plant. I. hederifolia has strong stems, cylindrical or rectangular, dark green or purple in color, coarse white hair, sometimes has roots on internodes, grows creeping and swirling on the ground or climbs by wrapping around the stems of other plants or artificial structures other. Leaves are round or heart-shaped or many lobed, pointed tip, margin flat, dark green upper side and pale underside. The pulse is centered, moves pinnate and is purple or green in color. The petiole is long, cylindrical with linear grooves and is purple or green in color. Inflorescences have stems. Bracts are linear or sometimes lanceolate. The crown is trumpet-shaped, glabrous and bright red. The center of the crown and aisles is yellow. The pistil stalk is clear ye

Kawi spider (Leucauge wulingensis)

Kawi spider ( Leucauge wulingensis ) is a species of animal in the Tetragnathidae, spiders are small, arboreal, black or purple or brown front segment, silver or white back segment, live in shady bushes, forests and bamboo groves. L. wulingensis has a body on the front segment that is oval or round, dark blue or purple or brown or black and shiny, has several protrusions and is glabrous. The rear segment is elongated cylindrical and has a larger size than the front segment, the base and ends are rounded, white or silver in color with dark linear stripes. The legs are dark. The first pair of legs are very long and the fourth pair of legs the shortest. The first and second pairs of legs are often attached together at rest. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Chelicerata Class: Arachnida Order: Araneae Suborder: Araneomorphae Infraorder: Entelegynae Superfamily: Araneoidea Family: Tetragnathidae Genus: Leucauge Species: Leucauge wulingensis

Hampelas (Ficus ampelos)

Hampelas ( Ficus ampelos ) is a species of plant in the Moraceae, large tree, brown bark, many branches, leaf shape varies, sits alternately along the twig and has short stalks, fruit is round and grows along the twig. F. ampelos has leaves varying in shape, oval or elongated, margins flat to serrated, pointed tip, a main vein in the middle with several small lateral veins and a green surface. The fruit has a short stalk and grows along branches and twigs. The fruit is round, small, the outer skin is yellow and red, has small white spots. Hampelas grows in forests, agricultural land, plantation land, along waterways and river slopes. The tree bears fruit around October-November. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Rosales Family: Moraceae Genus: Ficus Species: Ficus ampelos

Painted spurge (Euphorbia heterophylla)

Katemas or painted spurge ( Euphorbia heterophylla ) is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae, 30-100 cm tall, erect stems, hollow, branched, highly adaptable to various habitats, producing latex which reacts and causes toxicity. E. heterophylla has various leaf shapes, the lower leaves are alternate and green, while the upper leaves are opposite and generally have a whitish or bright red base. Katemas produces flowers within 30 days and mature seeds are formed in 25-30 days later. Cyathia or false flowers in clusters on the head of the stalk and are yellowish green and have no petals. The fruit is small and in the form of a capsule. Ripe fruit will explode and throw the seeds away from the mother plant so the plant spreads. Plants produce latex that causes toxicity, including dermatitis and anaphylaxis. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Euphorbiaceae Subfamily: Euphorbioideae Tribe: Euphorbieae Sub

Ground-living birds (Phasianidae)

Ground-living birds ( Phasianidae ) are the family in Galliformes, heavy terrestrial birds, including partridge, chicken, turkey, quail and peacock, weighing from 43 g for quail to 17 kg for peacock, 12.5 cm to 300 cm long and sexual dimorphism. Males tend to be larger than females, fat, wide wings, relatively short legs and strong. Many have a spur on each foot and some have two spurs on each foot. The beak is short and dense. Often have brightly colored fur and facial ornamentation such as combs, wattles and crests. Diets vary from a purely vegetarian diet of grains, leaves, fruits, tubers and roots, to small animals including insects, maggots and small reptiles. Most species feed on plant matter or predators. Species in the Phasianidae generally nest in the ground to lay up to 20 eggs. The incubation time is between 14-30 days depending on the species and is almost always carried out by the female, although some involve the male taking part in caring for the eggs and young. King

Common devil pepper (Rauvolfia verticillata)

Pule pandak or common devil pepper ( Rauvolfia verticillata ) is a species of plant in the Apocynaceae, an erect shrub up to 5 meters high, the bark is brown with white spots and the young stem is green. R. verticillata has elongated oval-shaped leaves, pointed tips, flat or wavy margins, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins, green on top and pale underside. Inflorescence with 35 flowers or more. Flowers in panicles on long stalks and green, star-shaped crown and white or bright red. The fruits grow in panicles and clusters, have long stalks, oval in shape, 1.4 cm long, green when young and whitish purple when ripe, oval in shape. Common devil pepper grows in a variety of habitats from sea level to elevations of 2000 meters. Plants are used for a variety of traditional remedies including to treat snakebites, malaria, typhus and hypertension. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Gentianales Family: Apocynaceae

Giant reed (Arundo donax)

Glagah putih or giant reed ( Arundo donax ) is a species of plant in the Poaceae, tall perennial reeds, long erect reeds, hard and woody, hollow, growing to form dense colonies in moist, riparian, freshwater and saltwater habitats. A. donax grows to a height of 6-10 meters and a stem diameter of 2-3 cm. The leaves are elongated, gray or green or white, alternate, 30-60 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, pointed at the tip and have a tuft of hairs at the base. Flowers have erect feathers, 40-60 cm long and have seeds or without seeds. Most reproduce vegetatively with hard and fibrous underground rhizomes, spreading and penetrating up to 1 meter into the soil. Giant reed adapts to a variety of ecologies from heavy clay to loose sand and gravel soil, contaminated with arsenic, cadmium and lead. The species has two varieties, Arundo donax var. donax and Arundo donax var. versicolor. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Subfam

Kluwak (Pangium edule)

Kluwak or keluak or kepayang ( Pangium edule ) is a species of plant in the Achariaceae, a large tree, 60 meters high, 120 cm diameter trunk, large leaves, large and poisonous fruit, grows wild and semi-wild, producing ingredients for cooking a number of dishes. P. edule has cylindrical, upright, branched stems and reddish-brown or whitish bark. Leaves oval or heart shaped, long stalk, green, rounded tip, flat margin, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins. The fruit is large, has a stalk, oval in shape with a tapered tip and base. Hard skin, rough surface and brown. Flesh is white or yellow. Seeds are large, flat, round, hard skin, brown, white inside. The seeds are used as a spice which gives it a dark brown color. Dyes can be substituted for synthetic dyes such as Chocolate Brown FH and Chocolate Brown HT. Unripe seeds are highly toxic and contain high concentrations of cyanide. The seeds are safe for food after boiling. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta

Palm grass (Molineria capitulata)

Congkok or palm grass ( Molineria capitulata ) is a species of plant in the Hypoxidaceae, herbaceous annual, hairy or glabrous, thick rhizomes, growing on moist and shady slopes in primary and secondary forests at elevations up to 2000 meters. M. capitulata has radical and elongated leaves up to 1.5 meters long, stalks up to 1 meter long, lined to nearly elliptical, elliptical blades, 30-150 cm long and 5-15 cm wide. Inflorescence in racemus, 2.5-7 cm, peduncle 7-30 cm long and finely haired to glabrous when fruiting. Bractea 1-6 cm, brownish, when fruiting hairy to bald. Flowers yellow, hairy and subsessile. The length of the perianthium tube is 1-4 mm and the lobes are 6-8 mm long. Fruit fleshy, berry and indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent, 10-15 mm long, whitish to green, pulp white, not so sweet. Seeds are few, black and slightly rounded. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Asparagales Family: Hypoxidaceae Genus: Molineria

English plum (Spondias dulcis)

Kedongdong or English plum ( Spondias dulcis ) is a species in the Anacardiaceae, a tree 20 meters tall, erect stem with many branches, bark whitish brown or reddish, fruit eaten fresh or processed into a variety of dishes. S. dulcis has pinnate leaves, 20-60 cm long, consisting of 9-25 leaflets, green and glossy, elliptical or obovate-oblong and 9-10 cm long. Flowers are white and small in terminal panicles. Fruit oblong, 6-9 cm long, in bunches with 12 or more items on long stalks. The fruit falls to the ground while still green and firm, then turns golden yellow when ripe. Young leaves are used as a spice for Pepes. The more ripe leaves are eaten as salad greens despite the sour taste. The fruit can be eaten raw with shrimp paste, thick, black, salty-sweet sauce. Often also used as juice. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Sapindales Family: Anacardiaceae Subfamily: Spondiadoideae Genus: Spondias Species: Spondias dulcis

Elephant ear (Xanthosoma robustum)

Elephant ear ( Xanthosoma robustum ) is a species of plant in the Araceae, 0.4-1.5 m tall, stemless and not woody, has 2-5 leaves with stems of plain green or purplish stripes, flowers in the middle and grow to form a colony X. robustum has ovate or oblong leaves with tapered or rounded tips, green and shiny upper side, sometimes purplish around the stem, bright green or pale underside. Flowers come in cobs in the axils of leaves and have stalks. The sheath is green or yellow or white and falls off. Leaves, stems and tubers are used as animal feed and carp. Shield-shaped and wide leaves are often used as head protection when it rains, food wrappers and live fish containers. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Alismatales Family: Araceae Subfamily: Aroideae Tribe: Caladieae Genus: Xanthosoma Species: Xanthosoma robustum

Monkey pod tree (Samanea saman)

Trembesi or rain tree or monkey pod tree ( Samanea saman ) is a species of plant in the Fabaceae, a large tree, 30-40 meters high, 4.5 meters in diameter, tree crown 40-60 meters, irregularly shaped trunk, sometimes bent and swollen big. S. saman has compound leaves with stalks about 7-15 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, dark green in color, the lower surface is velvety and soft. The leaves will fold when it rains and at night. Flowers are white and bright red spots on the top, 10 cm long from base to tip. The crown tube is 3.7 cm long and has 20-30 stamens 3-5 cm long. Nectar for insects are very fond of. The pods are straight, slightly curved, 10-20 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide and 0.6 cm thick. The fruit is dark brown when ripe. Seeds embedded in reddish-brown flesh, very sticky, sweet containing 5-25 seeds with a length of 1.3 cm. Trembesi absorbs 28.5 tons of carbon dioxide every year which an ordinary tree absorbs only 1 ton in a 20 year lifetime. This tree is also able to reduce gas concentra