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Chinese rain bell (Strobilanthes hamiltoniana)

Chinese rain bell (Strobilanthes hamiltoniana) is a species of plant in the Acanthaceae, a shrub or low tree with erect, woody and branched stems, large leaves, trumpet-shaped flowers in panicles, growing in forests, farmlands and home gardens.

S. Hamiltoniana has erect stems, cylindrical, woody, old stems have rough bark, brown with white spots, young stems are green and branching to form 3-4 new stems.

Dlium Chinese rain bell (Strobilanthes hamiltoniana)

The leaves are oblong, pointed tip and serrated margin, pale green top and bottom, a large vein in the middle with many pinnate small veins and bright green or blackish in color.

Inflorescences in panicles with long, slender, branched stalks, growing at the ends of the stems and blooming alternately. The flowers are trumpet-shaped, long and slender aisles, five cones, bright red in color and the surface has many veins.

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Subphylum: Angiospermae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Strobilanthes
Species: Strobilanthes hamiltoniana

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