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Java plum (Syzygium cumini)

Duwet or jamblang or Java plum (Syzygium cumini) is a species in Myrtaceae, a small or medium sized tree, sturdy, leaves grow all year round, woody stem, 10-30 meters in diameter, white, crooked, up to 20 meters high, reverberant up to 90 cm, low branched and titled round or irregular.

S. cumini has thick leaves, seated opposite and stalks 1-3.5 cm long. Strands oval to oval, 5-25 cm long, 2-10 cm wide. Wide base to round, blunt to tapered end and flat edge. Dark green color, shiny on the upper side, slightly smells of turpentine when crushed and young leaves are bright red.

Dlium Java plum (Syzygium cumini)

Inflorescences in panicles, appear on the branches, tenuous, have 1-3 branches. Small flowers, sitting tightly, 3-8 buds at each end of the stalk and fragrant. Calyx broad bell-shaped, 4-6 mm high, yellow to purplish. Crown is round and loose, 3 mm, white-gray to bright red and falls easily. Stamens 4-7 mm and pistils 6-7 mm.

The fruit is oval to ovoid in shape, often bent and 1-5 cm long. The skin is thin, smooth, shiny, dark red to blackish purple and sometimes white. Often in large herds.

Flesh is white or yellow-gray to red-purple, odorless, lots of fruit juice, sour to sweet-sour astringent taste. Seeds are oval and 3.5 cm long.

Jamblang grows at an elevation of 500-1800 meters. Rainfall is more than 1000 mm/year with a pronounced dry season. Duwet grows in floodplains and is drought tolerant, various types of infertile soils, wetlands, loams, calcareous soils and sandy soils.

The fruit is eaten fresh or mixed with a little salt and sometimes added sugar, then shaken in a closed container until soft. This fruit can reduce stains on the teeth. Rich in vitamins A and C.

Strong wood, waterproof and insect attack. The bark produces tannins and is used to dye nets. Small chips are used to inhibit the acidity of the wine. The leaves are used as animal feed.

Seeds to treat strikhnina and spleen treatment. Seeds, leaves and bark to reduce diabetes and prevent cataracts. Many contain essential oils, jambosine, organic acids, triterpenoids, resins containing ellagic acid and tannins.

Bark, leaves, fruit and seeds are used as a medicine for diabetes and diarrhea. Reducing heart and liver damage in cancer patients receiving doxorubicin chemotherapy, reducing the incidence of stomach cancer by up to 80% and treating epilepsy.

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Subphylum: Angiospermae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Subfamily: Myrtoideae
Tribe: Syzygieae
Genus: Syzygium
Species: Syzygium cumini

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