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The Journey

BLOG - In January 2019, after quitting my job, I started a long journey as an effort to glorify my curiosity about life until today. The phenomena that occur in the wild have been a special awe that has driven me to find out for a long time.

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That dream finally came true. I documented various creatures every millimeter from mushrooms, mammals, trees to human culture and behavior. I poured out the documentation on in the form of writing and uploaded it on Youtube in the form of videos.


In November 2018, my father finally passed away after being ill for years. He was a very important person I ever had considering that I had never seen my mother since I was 6 years old.

That same month, after all the activities related to my father's death were finished, I bought a new Honda Revo X 110 motorbike, Sony Handycam cx405, HP Laptop AMD Ryzen 3 2200U processor with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx and Infinix Hot 10 Play Mobile Phone. In the end, I sold the motorbike and bought a Viar Karya 150 three-wheeled motorbike in December 2023.

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I think the equipment is enough to document anything that is seen in nature. I want to observe wildlife, so I have to explore forests, mountains, rivers and even agricultural land where plants and animals live.


In December 2018, I ride a motorbike to places that I think are wildlife hotspots in the area around my residence, Yogyakarta, but I often cross to Central Java province. I explore Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, Menoreh Mountains, Kewu Mountains, Sewu Mountains, Progo River, Opak River, Oyo River and others. I do that activity every day.

So many species of plants, animals and some fungi. Of course I document them in videos and photos using cameras and cellphones, identifying and giving details of each species based on what I know. Of course it's not easy, but I love it.

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On June 27, 2021, I moved to Wonosobo city with the aim of looking for other species in different ecosystems. I think that every location must have a unique ecosystem and thus store different species even in the same climate and island. Here I explored the Dieng Plateau, Mount Sumbing and Mount Sindoro.

On September 19, 2021, I moved to Trenggalek city and this place was the first exploration in East Java province. I focused more on the Wilis Mountains.

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On October 7, 2021, I moved to Malang city to explore the Bromo Plateau, Mount Semeru, Mount Arjuno, Mount Kelud and Mount Kawi.

On November 29, 2021, I moved to Jember city to explore Mount Argopuro.

On December 23, 2021, I moved to Genteng city to explore Mount Raung, Mount Ijen, Meru Betiri and Alas Purwo. I spent four months exploring this area and I got a lot of amazing experiences. This is my very important journey.

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On April 16, 2022, I moved to Lumajang city to explore Mount Lemongan and re-explore Mount Semeru and Mount Bromo.

On May 31, 2022, I moved to Bondowoso city to re-explore Mount Argopuro, Mount Raung and Mount Ijen.

On June 13, 2022, I moved to Pandaan city to explore Mount Penanggungan and re-explore Mount Arjuno.

On July 3, 2022, I moved to Ponorogo city to re-explore the Wilis Mountains.

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On August 17, 2022, I moved to Wonogiri city to explore Mount Mongkrang and re-explore the Sewu Mountains.

On March 27, 2023, I moved to Purworejo city as a permanent basecamp until today. I changed the “back and forth” exploration method, which is exploring only a few days for a spot. In this place I explored Mount Slamet, Mount Lawu and re-explored the Dieng Plateau, Mount Sumbing, Mount Sindoro, Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, Menoreh Mountains, Kewu Mountains, Sewu Mountains, including Mount Semeru, Mount Ijen, Mount Raung and Alas Purwo.

By Aryo Bandoro
Founder of You can follow him on X: @Abandoro.

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