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Martin Kenne grasshopper (Pteropera kennei), Danilo Matzke grasshopper (Pteropera matzkei) and Alain Missoup grasshopper (Pteropera missoupi)

Martin Kenne grasshopper (Pteropera kennei), Danilo Matzke grasshopper (Pteropera matzkei) and Alain Missoup grasshopper (Pteropera missoupi) 1

NEWS - Researchers report Martin Kenne grasshopper (Pteropera kennei sp. nov.), Danilo Matzke grasshopper (Pteropera matzkei sp. nov.) and Alain Didier Missoup grasshopper (Pteropera missoupi sp. nov.) which increases the number of Pteropera species in Cameroon from 8 to 12 and the total to 30 species in Central Africa.

Pteropera Karsch 1891 is a genus of Afrotropical micropteran grasshoppers in the Catantopinae. These flightless grasshoppers are morphologically similar to Serpusia Karsch. Species of this genus are common in forests, forest edges and agrosystems, most of which have a restricted distribution range.

The genus was originally described for Pteropera verrucigena Karsch and remained monotypic until the description of P. pictipes by Bolívar in 1908. In addition, P. karschi previously included in the genus Aresceutica Karsch 1896 was included in Pteropera by Donskoff (1981).

Donskoff (1981) performed a complete revision of the genus based on external morphology, coloration, genitalia features and described 21 new species. At that time it consisted of 27 valid species described only from the forests of Central Africa. No further taxonomic work dedicated to this genus has been done.

Male P. kennei have dimensions (mm): total length of body 11.81–19.83; length of pronotum 3.12–4.32; length of hind femur 11.23–12.53; length of elytra 3.24–4.27. Females: total body length 21.09–25.39; pronotum length 4.59–5.37; hind femur length 13.62–15.12; elytra length 3.65–4.88; ovipositor length 1.97–3.27.

The species is named in honour of Professor Martin Kenne in recognition of his scientific work and contributions to insect biodiversity in Cameroon. Habitat in dense evergreen forest of the Congo Basin, Dja Biosphere Reserve, southern Cameroon.

P. kennei is similar to P. uniformis Bruner 1920 from Cameroon in general colouration, dark longitudinal bands and adjacent pale bands on the pronotal disc and outer area of the hind femur without pale spots. However, the new species can be distinguished by the lateral lobes of the pronotum without pale basal bands (vs. present in P. uniformis and also in all other Pteropera species).

More or less pale green coloration of the hind femurs (vs. inner and outer sides of the hind femurs greenish yellow); male genitalia with closed dorsal cingulum arch (vs. very open); aedeagus horizontal apically, parallel to the valves (vs. slanted anteriorly); female genitalia with slender egg guide (vs. wide); basivalvar sclerites forming an obtuse angle (vs. acute).

The new species is also similar to P. descampsi Donskoff 1981, but can be distinguished by the absence of pale basal bands on the lateral lobes of the pronotum (vs. present in P. descampsi); the cerci of the male are two-lobed (vs. short); the pallium and subgenital plate in the male are slightly elevated (vs. the apex of the subgenital plate is truncated).

The apex of the aedeagus is horizontal, parallel to the valves (vs. the aedeagus is curved upward, and the apex is a divergent pallium); dorsal cingulum arch closed (vs. very open; basivalvar sclerite on female subgenital plate described as obtuse angle (vs. acute angle).

Martin Kenne grasshopper (Pteropera kennei), Danilo Matzke grasshopper (Pteropera matzkei) and Alain Missoup grasshopper (Pteropera missoupi) 2

Male P. matzkei have dimensions (mm): total length of body 20.57–21.79; length of pronotum 4.17–4.33; length of hind femur 13.48–13.56; length of elytra 3.90–4.63. Females: total length of body 27.25–28.05; length of pronotum 5.39–5.55; length of hind femur 15.91–16.89; length of elytra 4.95–6.10; length of ovipositor 2.96–3.30.

The species is named after Mr. Danilo Matzke, an important taxonomist for Dermaptera in Germany for his dedication and scientific contribution to the taxonomy of earwigs. Habitat in the dense evergreen forests of the Congo Basin, in the forests along the Dja River.

P. matzkei is close to P. bertii Donskoff 1981 from Cameroon, but differs by the all-yellow coloration of the meso- and metathoracic episternites (vs. almost completely pale in P. bertii); the dark brown coloration of the hind femurs and the dark yellow coloration of the fore and middle legs, and hind tibiae (vs. pale green fore and middle legs, hind femurs, and hind tibiae).

The male genitalia differ in the shape and size of the phallic structure with the dorsal arch of the cingulum closed, long, extending beyond the apex of the endopharyc valve, and hanging down apically (vs. slightly open, not reaching the apex of the endopharyc valve or hanging down); the anterior apodemes of the female subgenital plate are thin, pointed (vs. wide, short); and the spermathecal ampulla is elongated (vs. wide apically).

P. matzkei differs from P. teocchii Donskoff 1981 in that the outer area of the hind femur has only one preapical spot (vs. three spots, the beginning of the spots along the upper edge at the level of the outer spots in P. teocchii); the hind tibiae are dark yellow (vs. black).

The aedeagus is slightly curved, describing less than a semicircle (vs. strongly curved, describing almost a complete circle); and the spermathecal ampulla of the female is elongated (vs. enlarged at the junction of the lateral and axial diverticula).

The new species is also similar to P. verrucigena Karsch 1891, but differs by a single spot on the outer area of the hind femur (vs. P. verrucigena has three spots); dark yellow coloration of the forelegs and middle legs and hind tibiae (vs. forelegs and middle legs dark brown dorsally and burgundy ventrally, hind tibiae burgundy).

Apex of the aedeagus membrane slightly curved, describing less than one and a half circles, with a short tip (vs. strongly curved, describing one and a half circles with a long tip).

Dorsal cingulum arch closed, long, extending beyond the apex of the endophallic apodem (vs. dorsal cingulum arch open, not reaching the apex of the endophallic apodem); spermathecal ampulla of females elongated (vs. ampulla narrowed apically).

Martin Kenne grasshopper (Pteropera kennei), Danilo Matzke grasshopper (Pteropera matzkei) and Alain Missoup grasshopper (Pteropera missoupi) 3

Male P. missoupi has the following dimensions: total length of body 18.97–22.91; length of pronotum 3.95–4.74; length of hind femur 12.65–13.77; length of elytra 3.11–4.27. Females: total length of body 24.41–28.70; length of pronotum 5.14–5.62; length of hind femur 15.43–17.36; length of elytra 4.32–5.40; length of ovipositor 2.28–3.75.

This species is dedicated to Prof. Alain Didier Missoup in recognition of his work and achievements in the systematic biology and evolution of small mammals in Cameroon. Habitat in dense evergreen forests of Ebo forest, degraded forests and along forest edges.

P. missoupi differs from P. balachowskyi Donskoff 1981 by fused, single subocellar facial spots (vs. divided in P. balachowskyi); dorsal and ventral abdomen yellowish or greenish (vs. brownish).

Male cerci with short inner lobes (vs. simple male cerci); male genitalia differ in dorsal cingulum arch U-shaped and closed (vs. very open); upper ectophallic sheath short, not bent (vs. bent and rounded).

New species similar to P. jeanninae Donskoff 1981, but differs in single subocellar facial spot (vs. divided into two in P. jeanninae); meso- and metathoracic episternites pale (vs. yellowish, conspicuous).

Hind femur has internal pale green area, with yellowish median band extending toward lower edge (vs. uniform dark green); male genitalia differ in dorsal cingulum arch U-shaped (vs. V-shaped); and upper ectophallic sheath short, not bent (vs. elongate).

The new species is also similar to P. carnapi Ramme 1929, but differs in that the meso- and metathoracic episternites are pale (vs. yellow in the middle in P. carnapi); the hind tibia is dark green (vs. bluish green).

The inner lobes of the male cerci are shorter than the outer lobes (vs. as long as or longer than the outer lobes); and the male genitalia differ in that the dorsal arch of the cingulum is tightly U-shaped, the apodemes reaching the apex of the endophallic sclerite (vs. open anteriorly, the apodemes not extending beyond the point of separation of the endophallic valves).

P. missoupi is similar to P. mirei Donskoff 1981 from Cameroon in coloration and shape of the male cercus. However, it differs in that the single median subocellar facial spot is undivided in both sexes (vs. divided in males, sometimes fused in females of P. mirei).

The basal pale band on the lateral lobes of the pronotum narrows and is unbroken in front of the second transverse groove (vs. interrupted). The male genitalia in P. missoupi have two membranous ends at the aedeagus end including an upper valve (vs. each of the two membranous ends at the aedeagus end includes a separate valve in P. mirei). Additionally, in P. missoupi the lower end covers the upper end (vs. the upper end covers the lower end).

Original research

Yetchom Fondjo JA, Nzoko Fiemapong AR, Tindo M, Duressa TF, Ivković S, Husemann M (2024). Taxonomic review of the grasshopper genus Pteropera Karsch, 1891 (Orthoptera, Acrididea, Catantopinae) with description of three new species and a preliminary phylogeny of the Cameroonian species. ZooKeys 1216: 219-264, DOI:10.3897/zookeys.1216.130270

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